Thursday, February 26, 2015

Another Prezzie In The Mail

Hi alls.  Sasha heres as usual.  Miss Diana and the G's sent Mommy and me a new little purse todays.  I think it would be perfect to hold to go snackies for me, but mommy says she will probably just put her id and such in it.  You know if humans wears collars like us they wouldn't needs to put their license in a purse.  But, what's do I knows I is just a little wienie dog.  Anyways we just wanted to thanks Miss Diana for the lovely doxie purse.  It is so perfect for us. Thank you doxie kisses and hugs from Mommy.


Friday, February 20, 2015

Treats in the Mail

Hi all.  It has been pretty quiet around here the last few days.  We alls has been missing Charlie.  Bear doesn't show it much because he is such a youngster and just wants to play play play all the time.  But, he was my snuggle buddy.  I miss that.  Bear doesn't snuggles.  Bear goes under the couch when he gets tired. 
Miss Alice sents us a very special pick me up todays though.  Treats in the mail.  Good ones too with yogurt frosting.  Both Bears and I loves them even though Mommy only allowed one cookie each.  I really thought we should have had more.  But, I guess there will be more in the fridge for us tomorrows.  Thank you Miss Alice.  We did after treat zoomies just for yous.  Thanks for the special card, too.  Mommy says thank you a bunch. 
(Sees I read the card first Miss Alice.)
(A close up of the good eats in the temporarily doxie proof box. heehee)
(Bear saying treat please.)
(Me's really puttings on the doxie mind control for my treat.)
(Bear cleanings up Mommy's fingers afterwards.)
Many thanks to Miss Alice for the treats.  Bark at you all laters. Sasha over and outs. 

Friday, February 13, 2015

Sad Day Today.

Sasha heres and Mommy, too.  My big brother Charlie has passed onto the rainbow bridge this morning.  He will be deeply missed by us all.  Especially, mes.  May you catch one of those sky squirrels up there today, bro.  Run pain free for me and mommy.  Until we meets again.  Love Sasha.

In Memory of Charlie (Grumpy Old Man):  Birthdate unknown to March 13, 2014.



Friday, December 26, 2014

Another Prezzie In The Mail

Hi alls.  Hopes your Christmas was very munchy.  heehee.  Mine was full of good eats and some snuggling with Mommy. 

Mommy gots a special prezzie the other day from Miss Alice.  She has a heard of furbabies herself and sent Mommy a cool new purse for Christmas.  And she mades it herself with her own two paws. 

Isn't it the cutest doxie purse you could ever find.  One of mommies favorite colors, too-Blue.  Mommy just loved it and it really mades her day. If she hads a tail she would have wagged it. Miss Alice makes lots of cute stuff in her etsy shops GrandmasBliss  and  Makingstuffwithlove

I at first thought it might be a cute snuggle sack for me, but we then saw the three cookies in the package and knew that was my prezzie.  Even though mommy made me share two of the cookies with my bros.  We all loved the cookies. 

Thank you Miss Alice for the purse and cookies from Mommy and us puppers.  We hope you had a Merry Christmas, too.  Doxie thank you kisses going your way. 

Friday, December 19, 2014

Prezzie In The Mail Part Two

Sasha heres.  Mommy gots another prezzie in the mail today.  Miss Shari from our Secret Santa gift exchange gaves us another prezzie today.  Well, this one is for sure for Mommy.  Cause it is way too big for my paws and mommy is not going to let us use it as a toy like she does the other socks that gets the holes in them.  Anyways, these socks will keep mommies paws very warm this winter and of course they have lots of cute doxies on them.  We loves them Miss Shari.  Thanks you so much for both prezzies that you gave us this year.  We Woof You A Merry Christmas, too!  :) 


Thursday, December 18, 2014

Prezzies In The Mail

Sasha's here.  I knows again.  No bloggy furevers.  Well, Grandma broke her paw and squirrels have been driving us crazy and new dogs next door to barks with. Well, you all gets the idea.  A little doxie has no times to blog most of the time.  And until the humans invent bark to type software, then I has to keep my bloggy posts to the really important stuffs.  Or in other barks, prezzies in the mail! 

First prezzie we got was from Shari.  She is the team captain on the Petsjubilee team on etsy.  Mommy and I signed up for the team secret santa gift exchange and so Shari was our Secret Santa.  She got mommy and me a vinyl sticker doxie.  Mommy and I have debated what needs more doxifying.  She thinks it should be put my car (She thinks it is her car, but I just lets her drives it for our bye-bye trips.) or on the lap top.  But, since my face already claims the lap top, it is only fitting that the car needs a little more doxifycation.  Rights?  Well, anyways, we loves it Miss Shari.  Thanks you very much from Mommy and me.

Second prezzie we gots in the mail was from Sue Ann and the BBB.  I is sure a certain hubby was also involved, but of course he is remaining silent.  heehee.  It is the cutest doxie ornament ever.  You knows you never have enough doxie ornaments on a tree.  How else are you to keeps the squirrels outs of your Christmas tree.  heehee.  Thank you very much Miss Sue Ann for the lovely ornament from Mommy and mes, too.

Well, all those prezzies opening has me all worns out.  I thinks I needs to go undercover for a little prebedtime nap.  Sasha blogging out until we barks again. 

Monday, August 11, 2014

Treats! Glorious Treats!

Sasha heres.  You wouldn't believes it.  I got treats in the mail today and it wasn't even my birthday.  Of course, I was a bit skeptical.  You knows squirrels sending bad treats in the mail for mes I wouldn't put it past their evil plotting to take down key members of the squirrel pawtrol.    But, mommy says the treats are from a friend on Etsy named Georgiana and her dog, Sir Boston.  Her shop is PuppyLiciousBakery.

Well, after the all clears from mommy, I tasted one little bone shaped one.  It was so yummy and I wants mores.  Mommy only lets me have ones because I hadn't had my dinners yets.  I shared one with Charlie, toos.  Bear has been having tummy issues so no treats for him today which was oks cause he was napping in his crate.  We saved him ones for later. 

Thank yous Miss Georgiana and Sir Boston so very much from all us doggies and my mommy .  May, there be much success in your treat shop in the futures.  Now, I is offs to get dinners and maybe  some after dinner treats.