I knows. I knows. It has beens furevers again. I isn't a young doxie anymore you knows. heehee. Well, anyways, today is Mommy's birthday. She is pretty old for doxies, but not too old for humans. heehee. Well, I lets her have a break from the pooper scooping today and held my poo until noon. heehee. I can dos it if I wants, too. I couldn't get the boys to dos it though so she still had to pick up theirs. Boys will be boys. No respects for birthdays and alls.
Well, I was going to insist on a birthday walkies today, but the bad weather happened so we stayed home undercover of blankies until it passed. Then, after the sun came back outs, the mystery cookies arrived.

We dogs had to sniffs and makes sure no squirrel surprises were in the box the man in brown dropped off on the front step. Mommy was just going to let it sit there thinking it was a shirt for grandma or something. She had too much cheese and grape juice todays I thinks. She doesn't drink so her special treat is sharp cheddar cheese, crackers, and grape juice. It had TOP in big letters on the box and she was busy finishing her special snackie when it cames. Silly mommy that was justs how they were suppose to put the package so the Top was on top. Well, our attentions didn't deviate from the box on the floor back to her cheese which was surprising in and of itself. So Mommy figured she woulds takes a closer look after the snackie. Well, she dids. And our noses don't lie. There be cookies in that box. Not just one, but a box of special happy face and flowery cookies on sticks. You know us dogs like sticks and cookies. That was just an awesome pawsome idea. Well, we dogs were hoping she would open one up and shares, but she was looking for a card, but just the business card/coupon thingy which Bear says he wills be happy to eat later whens no one is looking. No clues who sents it. I Sasha has a pretty good guess, but I won't say. We doxies has been wrong before. Not often though.

Well, Mommy sends lots of thank yous to whoever sents her the special prezzie. She loves it and they look so yummy. We dogs are still hoping for a bite, but Mommy said the cheese bites was all we were getting for today and that is mores than we normally gets. Plus, the cookies are for peeps not k9s. Really? Oh, wells. Maybe, she will haves more cheese to share tomorrows.
Well, I better gso sees if some doxie races are TVs on or something before Mommy kicks me off the computer. Barks at you all laters. Sasha over and outs.