Monday, August 11, 2014

Treats! Glorious Treats!

Sasha heres.  You wouldn't believes it.  I got treats in the mail today and it wasn't even my birthday.  Of course, I was a bit skeptical.  You knows squirrels sending bad treats in the mail for mes I wouldn't put it past their evil plotting to take down key members of the squirrel pawtrol.    But, mommy says the treats are from a friend on Etsy named Georgiana and her dog, Sir Boston.  Her shop is PuppyLiciousBakery.

Well, after the all clears from mommy, I tasted one little bone shaped one.  It was so yummy and I wants mores.  Mommy only lets me have ones because I hadn't had my dinners yets.  I shared one with Charlie, toos.  Bear has been having tummy issues so no treats for him today which was oks cause he was napping in his crate.  We saved him ones for later. 

Thank yous Miss Georgiana and Sir Boston so very much from all us doggies and my mommy .  May, there be much success in your treat shop in the futures.  Now, I is offs to get dinners and maybe  some after dinner treats.