Saturday, January 15, 2011

I made mommy buy these. :)

Yes, my doxie mind control is in good form. These arrived just today in the mail from thedogcoatlady. You know two are for me and two are for Miss Suz. Can you guess which ones are mine? Every dachshund hoping to take over the world should have a set of their own pup-litical badges right!


Art and Sew Forth said...

You know we are not to discuss puplitics and religion...too much controversy. But as I see it....the world would be in better condition with the Doxies in control!

Giupetto and Gianna Tails said...

I vote Doxie.
Wow, it's working, don't even know why I said that. LOL

Really cute buttons.

Lyn said...

Yes, doxies are taking over the world!

laughingfridge said...

Doxie campaign slogan: A bobo in every room!

Pup Fan said...

Hehe... those are too cute!