Monday, January 30, 2012

I Gots New Bling In The Mail.

Sasha here.  Mommy surprised me with a awesome pawsome new ID tag (or collar bling as I likes to call it).  It came in a pretty little paw print bag.  I was trying to figure out how to open it and not rip the bag you know.

I could so use this cute bag again for something.  Not sure, what, but I knows I will use it for something.  Then, there was this awesome business card attached. 

Mommy was so kind to open the package since she had thumbs and all.  Those humans do come in handy with those thumbs sometimes. 

Hey, this tag looks a bit familiar.  I thinks I have seen that face somewhere before.  I just can't place it.

The back has my name and phone number in case I get lost.  Like I would ever get lost.  I have GPS (Global Positioning Sniffer) you know.  But, it is good to have as a backup in case the sniffer goes on the frits.

You knows if I move my face downward just like the tag.  I do thinks I recognize that face a bit more.  Whatcha think?  Does it look like me?

Mommy gots this tag at PoochTags on Etsy.  Please, checks that shop out.  There is lots of dog breed face key chains and other cute tags needing a new home. 

Now, off to brags a little to my big brother Charlie that I gots a new tag and he didn't.  It is only because you can still read all the lettering on his blue bone tag, but I will tell him it is because mommy likes me better. heehee.  I loves messing with my big brother's head.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Prezzies Given And Recieved

Sasha here.  You knows it is always nice to get prezzies, but it is even better to surprise the peeps you know with prezzies. 

A couple of weeks ago Mommy got this cute dachshund card holder in the mail from PinotByLyn.  It was such a lovely little surprise.  I commandeered it right away to put our little doxie business cards in.  Thank you Miss Lyn (Pinot and Lokie, too) for giving it to us.

Then, Miss Suz helped Mommy out one day in a very special way.  Mommy thought she is such a great friend (I goes there for play dates with my wiener buddies) so we thought we ought to surprise her with a prezzie.  Mommy knew just what to get her.  She wears doxie pins on her dachshund coat and her favorite color is purple.  So Mommy knew an Etsy Petsjubilee teammate Miss Sue from FrumsGlassMenagerie that could make her a special doxie pin for Miss Suz.  The pin turned out similar to this one:

Miss Suz was so surprised that she called Mommy as soon as she got the prezzie to tell her how much she loved it.  Thank you Miss Sue for making such a lovely prezzie for Miss Suz.