Sasha's here. I knows again. No bloggy furevers. Well, Grandma broke her paw and squirrels have been driving us crazy and new dogs next door to barks with. Well, you all gets the idea. A little doxie has no times to blog most of the time. And until the humans invent bark to type software, then I has to keep my bloggy posts to the really important stuffs. Or in other barks, prezzies in the mail!
First prezzie we got was from Shari. She is the team captain on the Petsjubilee team on etsy. Mommy and I signed up for the team secret santa gift exchange and so Shari was our Secret Santa. She got mommy and me a vinyl sticker doxie. Mommy and I have debated what needs more doxifying. She thinks it should be put my car (She thinks it is her car, but I just lets her drives it for our bye-bye trips.) or on the lap top. But, since my face already claims the lap top, it is only fitting that the car needs a little more doxifycation. Rights? Well, anyways, we loves it Miss Shari. Thanks you very much from Mommy and me.

Second prezzie we gots in the mail was from Sue Ann and the BBB. I is sure a certain hubby was also involved, but of course he is remaining silent. heehee. It is the cutest doxie ornament ever. You knows you never have enough doxie ornaments on a tree. How else are you to keeps the squirrels outs of your Christmas tree. heehee. Thank you very much Miss Sue Ann for the lovely ornament from Mommy and mes, too.
Well, all those prezzies opening has me all worns out. I thinks I needs to go undercover for a little prebedtime nap. Sasha blogging out until we barks again.