Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Monday, December 27, 2010
Santa Paws Came!
Hi all. Sasha here. I have been so happy the last few days. Santa Paws came with my favorite treats from ciaohound and a petsjubilee team box. I loves it all. I had to share with Maddie cause she is visiting again for the holidays, but she is so little she doesn't eat much.
Mommy got a stuffed wiener from Miss Patty from DogBarks on etsy, too. It was so cute. She added to the other new arrivals of Pinky and My Twin that we gots from the human pups my Mommy watches. She also got the petsjubilee team shirt. It looks so good. I wonder if they make one for puppers.
Then, Grandma and Grandpa gave mommy one of those nookbook things so you knows we are going to be keeping up on our reading. It has got paw touch technology so all you have to do is touch the screen and the pages turn. Much easier than trying to turn pages without thumbs. Mommy and me have been snuggling and reading together a lot.
Well, we hopes you all had a great Christmas. I miss barking at you all, but Mommy does hog the computer a lot. If I don't bark at you before the new year, Happy New Year from your wienie friend Sasha.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Mommy Got Prezzies Yesterday!
The mail man came to the door yesterday to drop on prezzies for mommy. You know Mommy was like what has her team mates done now. She just has been so surprised by all of you this Christmas. So she opened the prezzies.
The first prezzie was from Miss Lyn, Pinot's Mommy, from lynliao3 on the dachshund team. It was a lovely bone bag that she made herself with a purple lining inside. Mommy thinks she will use it for the post office money, but I is thinking I may nabs it for my on the go treat bag.
The second prezzie was from Miss Alice from makingstuffwithlove on the Petsjubilee team. It was a lovely scrapbook for you know whos pictures. heehee. Then, there was a super cute doxie wallet that she made herself.
Well, my mommy loves both prezzies so much and it really made her day. Thank you both so very much from me and Mommy. Merry Christmas!
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Starting to look a lot like Christmas!
Well, the humans are starting to get the Christmas tree and of course the dachshund tree decorations out so I know Santa Paws will be coming soon. I just hope that my cuteness gets me onto the nice list this year.
Mommy also has been making something new. I thinks it is going to be a bookmark set. I snuck a peek at one of them so don't tell Mommy. She really doesn't like me sharing her work until it is all done. It isn't laminated or anything yet, but I sure thinks it is cool.
christmas tree,
new bookmark,
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Charlie and I are Poo-moters!
Hi all. I was so excited that I got another prezzie in the mail today from Miss Lori from DoodyPops and so I had to show it off. I guess Charlie and I are now official spokespooches and poo-moters. Yip Yap Furray! Franks A Lot Miss Lori!!
in the mail,
Sasha picture
Monday, December 13, 2010
I gots prezzies from Miss Lori and Grandma Pauline!
Hi all. I was so excited that I got prezzies in the mail today from Miss Lori from DoodyPops and "Grandma" Pauline from paulinesfashions.
I went right for the treats first. You knows me. Little miss food hound is I. Miss Lori sent me some poo treats. Mommy took forever to open them cause she kept making me think I was going to have to wait till Christmas to eat them. I can't wait that long. I used my most pathetic face and Mommy let us open it early. I had to share with Charlie which I didn't like cause they were so gooooood!!
Then, after mommy cut us off of the poo treats, I went to my prezzie from "Grandma" Pauline. I knew it wasn't food cause I smelt it.
So mommy opened it up and there was so many neat things in there. I gots a new dress/vest for Christmas. I wonder if my wiener man will love me in this pretty Christmas outfit.
Then, there was all these bandannas. Charlie I think likes the purple one best that says I love my mommy.
So thank you both for our lovely prezzies. We love them so much. Sasha and Charlie sending lots of doggy thank you kisses your way.
in the mail,
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Monday, November 22, 2010
Make it stop snowing!
Sasha here. I is still not happy. The snow keeps falling and it is cold and I want to smell the grass again. Mommy found my coat and you can see how happy I am about that. NOT!! Coats mean having to go outside even longer in the snow.

So we went outside and the white stuff was everywhere. On the tree, on the hedge, on mommy's bye bye car, and yes even on my paws.

So we went outside and the white stuff was everywhere. On the tree, on the hedge, on mommy's bye bye car, and yes even on my paws.
Friday, November 19, 2010
I gots new toys in the mail.
Hello all.
I gots new toys in the mail from Miss Diana and The G's. Well, I truthfully, I do have to share one with my big brother Charlie so technically I only got one new toy. But, I will take his when he's not looking. heehee.
Mommy brought in a package from the mail box and I knew right away it was for me. I can smell the G's on it. Plus, all packages are mine right? I just lets the humans have the ones that don't contain toys or treats. heehee.
Well, Mommy was taken forever to open my package. So I sat there in the beg position. You know up right like those meerkats do. I kept looking at Mommy and my package and back at Mommy. So finally, the doxie mind control kicked in and she put down the non-doggy mail.
She opened it, and it was two Christmas double layered fleece squeaky bone toys from stylindogsboutique. I was so happy. Mommy made the mistake of giving the bigger one to Charlie first. I gave him the whose the boss look and he wouldn't take it. So Mommy gave it to me. Then, she gave Charlie the smaller one. I pranced off if my new toy and played. Charlie had Mommy throw his a few times. We had a blast. Thank you Miss Diana and the G's for making my doggy day!
bone toys,
in mail,
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Oh POOP! THe White Stuff Is Back!!!
Saturday, November 13, 2010
The Peeps Are Gone I Can Zoomie again!!
Hi all. Sasha, the wiener dog here.
Boy, it has been so interesting the last few days. First, my brother eats half a bar of soap. He still won't tell me why he did that. Grandma caught me taking the bar away from him and she thought I had eaten it. But, the evidence was puked up later that even by mister Innocent Charlie who would never do anything like that. Mommy was so proud that I hadn't eaten any.
Then, all these peeps showed up for great grandma's 91st b-day. There was 5 generations of peeps from big ones all the way down to the littlest new human pup.
Charlie and I got pinned up a lot. We didn't like that at all especially with all the eating going on. Then, there was a very cute human pup that so kindly like to share what he was eating by regurgitating it for us dogs. But, Mommy wouldn't let me go lick him up. Silly, Mommy.
Then, there was lots of pics and no one took any of me. Then, we slept on the couch with Mommy. She wouldn't even let us wiggle or get down and sleep with anyone else.
Now, the peeps are gone and I gots to zoomie all over the living room while Mommy brought all my toys out from her hiding spot. It is sure fun when peeps come to visit, but is it wrong to miss your toys and bed a little?
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Thank you all for the prezzies.
Hi all. We have been so busy around here I haven't had much time to bark on my blog. Mommy is getting ready for Great Grandma's 91st b-day, the leaves have been pooing all over the yard. and lots of getting ready for winter going on.
We have gotten a few prezzies and packages through the mail. So Mommy and me says Franks A Lot to Miss Tammy, Miss Patty, and Miss Alice! We do love them. Some of the pics above have links to the stores that have been so nice to us lately sending us some great items. Miss Alice sent the soap that she got from PersnicketyPelican. Miss Tammy sent me a lovely bandanna and hat. Miss Patty sent Mommy stuffed wiener dogs and a little treat bag for mes. Just got to convince Mommy I need new treats to fill the bag. heehee.
Well, missed you all, and now I must go. Mommy wants on the computer now.
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