Monday, December 12, 2011

Hi all. The In-door Tree Is Up!

Sasha here.  We got the in-door tree up the other day.  Mommy has added a couple new doxie ornaments to it this year.  Yay!!  She says before long, I might have to have my own tree with all my dachshund ornaments all over it.  Mommy gots the elf black and tan doxie from LaughingFridge shop on Etsy.  She had been wanting something from that shop for a long while and just had to have the black and tan elf ornament.  I thinks I had my mind control working on that one, too. She can never resist with my mind control.

The elf ornament came the other day in the mail, and was wrapped up so pretty like a little prezzie.  There was also some little word magnets as a freebie.  Freebie's always make my tail wag you know. 

Mommy also got a black and tan doxie in a stocking ornament from Shopko this year.  It is pretty cute, too.  But I think the LaughingFridge one looks a bit more like me. 

Well, barks at you all later.


laughingfridge said...

Aw, the elf looks so cute on your tree! I'm glad you like it Sasha, yes I'm sure it was mind control at work...

Lyn said...

Now we know where that black and tan ornament went! It was all Sasha's mind control. I think you should use it to get your vey own tree too! Ornament is so cute!

Art and Sew Forth said...

I love it! And I agree that the LaughingFridge one is more your style. What a fun tree!