Thursday, May 20, 2010

The Thump In The Middle Of The Night!

Sasha here.

Boy was last night scary. A big wind storm came in, and I knews a storm was brewing cause my sniffer told me so. I didn't want to go potty before it happened when Mommy was wanting me too. I knew the storm was on its way and all I wanted to do was go hide under my blankie. We went back in, and I found my blankie and hid for awhile. Then, the wind really was howling, and I heard this load thump. I ran off the couch and down the hallway to find someplace to hide. There was no place to hide so I curled up into a ball at the far end of the hallway. Mommy, Grandma, and Grandpa went outside. I was thinking those humans must be crazy. They got all excited and Grandpa went up into the ceiling somehow, and came back down. After the humans settled back down, Mommy found me hiding and scooped me up. She snuggled with me on the couch the rest of the night.
This morning, we went out for our morning potty trip and the neighbors tree was in our yard and on our house. I barked and barked like how dare it enter our yard without doxie "pawmission". It just laid there and ignored me. Guys came to look at it and we are waiting now for them to get the stubborn tree out of my turf.


Giupetto and Gianna Tails said...

Poor Sasha. The storm is over and they will remove that big bad tree from your yard. No worries.

laughingfridge said...

Oh no, Sasha, what a frightening experience! Soon that evil tree will be gone!

Art and Sew Forth said...

You pooor babe!It's bad enough large humans have to endure such things..but little Doxies?? Ask your mom to build you a concrete Doxie Den for these kinds of things!

Three Wishes Collective said...

Sasha - I hope you're ok. What a scarey night that was! Hopefully, the tree will be all gone soon and you can have your yard back.

kalyxcorn said...

holey moley! glad everyone is safe!!