Sasha here. I am not sure what is my mommy's fascination with my special hound scent. Seriously, I am minding my own business. All curled up under a blanket or towel or something, and she has to pull it back just to sniff me. I can't help it if I smell like a certain brand of corn chips which shall remain nameless. Now, can I? Please, help me get Mommy some doxie huffing addiction help!
Friday, November 20, 2009
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
My Play Date With A Rock Star!
Sasha, the cute furry one, here. Yes, I got a play date today and afterwards I found out that Miss Pee Wee who doesn't care for me too much is actually a Rock Star now. Can you believe it! Little old me zooming around the house, pottying in the back yard, barking at German Sheppards, and dozing in the big picture window at a Rock Star Wiener Dog's house! Oh, I am so moving on up in this world now. I wonder if the Pupperotzi will be hounding me for photos? I wonder if we will make the cover of Dachshund Digest? I wonder if Pee Wee will bite-o-graph a CD for me? Oh, dachshund happy tail butt wiggle dancing going on now.
Please, watch this great music video starring my wiener friend Pee Wee and a few other wiener dogs I don't know at this link MY WENA. Pee Wee is the alligator at the end. You will recognize her from my Halloween contest pics I shared with you.
pee wee,
play dates,
rock star,
wiener dog music video
Friday, November 13, 2009

Your furry friend Sasha here. It is snowing and I hate cold white stuff in my fur. I hate wearing my coat cause I prefer to be nakey, and most of all my paws are cold and wet. Some one send some sunshine up our way. We poor, cold, wet wiener dogs would prefer a little global warming right about now.
Well, in between the snow torture potty trips, your little wiener dog buddy here has been busy holiday window shopping on line. Cause you know us doxie shoppers are always welcome on the net. (We avoid all those nasty no dogs allowed signs that way.) Listed in pictures above is a few pictures of my paw picked items from some of my faves on ETSY. Click on pictures above to get dirrect links to each of these items and the etsy stores ylbb, redwagonwiener, jellybeanjunction, persnicketypelican, and LaughingFridge.
dachshund video,
etsy store,
Friday, November 6, 2009
The Winter Wiener Dog Blah's Have Started.
Sasha here.
It has been cold, windy, rainy, and just plain miserable for a low to the ground doggy. I am thinking of spending most of the winter sleeping. Who else is with me? I have my trusty pink couch crack to snuggle in, morning sun through the window, and sometimes a warm fire to lay by. Now, if I can just convince Mommy to let me potty in the house I would be all set. But, she keeps making me go out there. Brrr.
napping dachshund,
wiener dog photo,
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