Monday, February 8, 2010

When will someone notice the wiener dogs?

Sasha here.
I has been lazy with mommy watching a dog show, dog 101, and of course the Puppy Bowl. We were disappointed when the dachshunds were hardly even noticed in the dog show. It is just not right. My breed deserves a chance to get noticed in those fancy smancy dog shows. Then, dog 101 was all about puppies. We didn't get noticed much their either. Then, the Puppy Bowl. Lots of different breeds, but no dachshunds. Mommy and me might not watch it next year since this is the 6th year without a wiener dog representative. Heck we could have even been better cheer leaders than the sleepy bunnies. I thinks we dachshunds need a little good press. Someone please make a dachshund movie or remake The Ugly Dachshund so us little long under dogs might get noticed. Or I's might have to lick someone.


Shari Lynne said...

It is completely unfair, Sasha!

laughingfridge said...

Time for a doxie revolt! Come on all you little long ones, yip yap away and get noticed!

Taffy said...

I sooo agree! And my mom said you could come give her a kiss anytime ;o)