Saturday, February 22, 2014

Play Time, But I Thinks I Still Wants To Sleep

Sasha heres.  Bears is way to playful sometimes when us older dogs really rather be sleeping.  Here he is playing tug of scarf with Mommy. 

I thinks Bear is doing his version of the winter Olympics.  I bet he would get a gold in scarf tugging fur sure.  Then, he decides to do a little winter sofa climbing. 

While Bear was getting his fur a flying, Charlie and I's were practicing our sleeping in the sunshine skills. 

You know we would certainly get a medal for that category if it was parts of the Olympics.  heehee.  You could says we are certainly experts in solar slumbering.  heehee. 

Well, mommy wants the computer back, and the sunshine is coming back out from behind the clouds so I needs to get my zzz's back on.  Bark at you all laters. 


makingstuffwithlove said...

CUTE!! They all get a gold medal from me :)

Three Wishes Collective said...

Bear is just of bundle of cabin fever probably. He is so cute! I love that Sasha and Charlie are snoozing in the sun beam together. That's what Velvet loves to do.

Sams FurKids said...

Love it!!!